The Korean Crisis

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North Korea @ National Interest
North Korea Tests a Second Set of Missiles (7-30-19).  North Korea appears to have tested its second set of missiles in just a week — a sign that its displeasure with South Korea and the US is growing. The South Korean military says its northern neighbor launched two short-range missiles near Wonsan, a city on the North Korea’s eastern coast, early Wednesday morning local time. They flew eastward about 155 miles and rose about 19 miles high. “Our military is tracking and watching the related movement in preparation to additional launches, and is maintaining readiness posture,” South Korean armed forces said in a statement. This isn’t an isolated incident. Pyongyang tested two short-range missiles last week — also from the same area — evidently as a message to Seoul not to go forward with a planned August military exerciseSouth Korea has not cancelled the drill, so North Korea may have chosen to send another message in the hope it would get through this time.
How North Korea Perceives — and responds — to US/SK military exercises tells us a lot (2019). North Korea’s hostility toward U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises are nothing new. But what can the history of Pyongyang’s reactions to these drills teach us? As it turns out, quite a bit.
Should the US make a deal with North Korea?
A deal could include partial sanctions relief and a freeze (2019). Washington rumor now has it that the Trump administration is considering offering North Korea some temporary sanctions relief for a freeze of its production of nuclear warheads and missiles. The mooted deal would also include the shutdown of North Korea’s best-known nuclear reactor, at Yongbyon. It does not, however, indicate what range missiles would be frozen. The latter matters to regional allies, especially Japan, which is threatened by shorter range missiles than North Korea would use to strike the United States mainland.
Trump-Kim DMZ meeting: What’s next? (2019)
Are we headed for a freeze-for-freeze nuclear deal? (2019)
Is there a deal with North Korea or not? (2019)
Negotiating Toward a Denuclearization Peace Roadmap on the Korean Peninsula (2019)
Will Korea make a deal with the US?
Korea is’t desperate for a deal with the US
General articles
What are North Korea’s military capabilities?
History of North Korea’s nuclear negotiations (2019)
The China obstacle to a nuclear deal with North Korea (2019)
Is North Korea a Threat?
Nuclear war with Korea still possible. Trump’s walk across the DMZ made that less likely (2019)
Should the US accept Korea as a nuclear power?
Talks should not focus on getting Kim Jong to give up his nuclear weapons (2019)
China should consider supporting the Korea nuclear deal (2019)
Should the US sign Peace Treat with North Korea?
A Korean Peace Treaty would cause a constitutional crisis. (2019) A treaty would suggest, at least by implication, mutual recognition of the two Koreas by each other, which would create a constitutional problem for South Korea because it denies the existence of North Korea and claims sovereignty over the entire peninsula.