Tag: topicblog

Health Care for the Disabled Contention Answers

Medicare for All means rationing Institute for Policy Innovation, March 27, 2019, https://www.ipi.org/ipi_issues/article_detail.asp?name=what-medicare-for-all-supporters-wont-tell-you, What Medicare-for-All Supporters Won’t Tell You All government-run health care programs ration

Answering Pharma

No Link — a 20% price control is optimal, increasing access without decreasing profits.  Moshe Levy , business professors, Hebrew University, 2014, [School of Business,

600 Plus Page Master File Released

Our Core Medicare For All Act file is over 600 pages, and we have have hundreds of pages of additional related evidence that are in

Answers to Any Economy Arguments

Global economic downturn now, pushing 60 million people into poverty and risking a world war due to rising nationalism Reinhart, September/October 2020, CARMEN REINHART is

Health Care Saves Lives Contention

COVID-19 is resulting in a loss of health insurance and curtailed health insurance Blumenthal, July 22, 2020 David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P., Elizabeth J. Fowler, Ph.D.,

Rising health care costs answers

Medicare for All will not reduce health care spending Irene Papanicolas, PhD1,2,4; Alberto Marino, MSc1,3; Luca Lorenzoni, MSc3;, 2020, https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2769102, Comparison of Health Care Spending

Racism Answers

Free with registration Access to care is not the driving force in health equity. The driving force in health equity is the economy, which they

Debt Con

Medicare for All would cost 50 trillion Sally Pipes, 2020, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All, Pipes is the President & CEO,