Tag: psn

Daily Water Policy Update

Antibiotic Resistance (ABR) increasing, more than a million deaths now Washington Post Editorial Board, 1-28, 22, Opinion: The shadow pandemic: Antibiotic resistance is growing, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/01/28/shadow-pandemic-antibiotic-resistance-is-growing/

Plea Bargaining Bibliography

Background The vast majority of criminal cases end in plea bargains, a new report finds Affirmative — General Plea Bargaining Task Force Report (2023) The

Free Criminal Justice Cards (253+)

People of color negative impacted at every stage of the justice system Mark Shoup, January 3, 2021, Daily Press, https://www.vvdailypress.com/story/opinion/2021/01/03/valley-voices-what-richard-reeb-gets-wrong-racism/4110412001/ People of color are incarcerated