Tag: policy


Michigan Camp Files Available

Download the camp files as they are released here. Download is free for every registered user (free) and subscriber ($49)

The 1AC

The 1AC is an entirely canned speech that consists of a few parts — Inherency, Harms/Advantages, and Solvency. Inherency proves


Debating Topicality

Introducing Topicality Topicality arguments are similar to disadvantages, kritiks, and counterplans in that they are major forms of negative arguments that are presented in the


China Topic Article — Conclusion

[All China Resources] China is a great area for a topic. Since China is an emerging superpower that interacts with the US on the global


China Topic Article – Kritiks

[All China Resources] Kritiks I think that kritiks are becoming less relevant to overall “strategy” because the “Policy” debate community is becoming more divided between