Tag: policy debate

Encryption Affirmative

[wpfilebase tag=”file” id=37] [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=38] [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=161] Introduction In reaction to the Snowden revelations, US companies, including Apple, Google, and Yahoo, have been

Section 215 Business Records Affirmative

All Surveillance Topic Resources [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=28] [wpfilebase tag=”file” id=29] Introduction & Advantages Claiming authority from Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the government collects


Extinction Impacts

      Recently, the Global Challenges Foundation released a report titled, “Global Challenges: 12 Risks That Threaten Human Civilization.” The report addressed various risks

Defining Domestic v. Foreign

Domestic is within a particular country Google Definitions, no date, https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=define:+domestic DOA: 1-25-15 existing or occurring inside a particular country; not foreign or international. “the

Defining “Surveillance”

Surveillance is the systematic monitoring and gathering of information in order to minimize risk, sort populations, and exercise power Amnil Kalhan, 2014, law professor, Drexel

Surveillance Topic: Potential Affirmative Cases/Plans

ALL SURVEILLANCE RESOURCES Previous: Advantages     Section 215 Metadata/Business Records Aff   Encryption Aff    Muslim Surveillance Aff DNA Surveillance Aff In this section I will review some


Black feminism bibliography

Background Wikipedia A History of Black Feminism in the US Defining Black Feminist Thought Long history of black feminism Black feminist epistemology Notes on black