Tag: big tech

Should Big Tech Be Broken Up?

The June NSDA nationals topic was wether or not the US should apply antitrust regulation to Big Tech. We have a large number of resources

Con — Big Tech Companies are Not Monopolies

They Say: Big Tech is a Monopoly/ Violates the Acts Big tech companies aren’t monopolies Ken Stephens, 6-10, 19, https://www.marketreview.com/news/should-investors-worry-about-big-tech-breakups/ Should investors worry about big

Big Tech Pro: Break-up hurts companies and the economy answers

Turn — Companies are worth more broken up Neil Rose, June 14, 2019, https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-apple-google-and-facebook-are-sith-lords-who-started-benign-galloway-165918961.html, Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook are ‘sith lords who started benign’:

Big Tech Con: Answers to any reasons social media is bad

Small companies don’t have the resources to provide needed protections Tyler Cohen, June 13, 2019, Slate, Breaking Up Facebook Would Be a Big Mistake, https://slate.com/technology/2019/06/facebook-big-tech-antitrust-breakup-mistake.html,