Tag: benefits


Adam from Ningbo Reflects on China NSDA Participation

辩手说 | 王卞渊Adam:“辩论不是一次短跑,而是一场马拉松。” 2017-08-18 王卞渊Adam 宁波英锐教育 本次为大家带来经验分享的辩手是来自宁波效实中学的王卞渊Adam同学。在刚结束的第五届全国中学生学术辩论与演讲联赛总决赛中,Adam和搭档获得高中组48强。关于辩论学习和比赛,他有自己的经历和感受,希望下文能对你有所帮助和启发。  Some people may tell you that debate is all about hard work and preparation. I somewhat agree but

The Power of Debate — Testimonials

From a Facebook discussion… C Crenshaw Request for Debate Friends: Can you please help me? Please write a brief one or two sentence comment about


Debate skills help company grow

Bruce Rogers, August 8, 2017, Forbes While harmony is key, dissent is highly valued. Debate is encouraged and the company prides itself on being open