Education Topic — Kritiks

Black feminism. Run mostly against race kritik affirmatives, this kritik argues that Black women remain invisible in the black radical imagination of the 1AC – The radical architects of reparations homogenize black experience making black male lived experience the sin qua non for the Black – Like black resistance movements in the past the aff will sacrifice black women for the “good of the race”

KELLEY Professor of History and Africana studies @ NYU 2k2 (Robin D.G.-frequent contributor to the New York Times and author of Hamer and Hoe, Race Rebels as well as Yo Mama’s DisfunktionalFREEDOM DREAMS:  The Black Radical Imagination; pp.136-138.

Capitalism/Neoliberalism. This popular kritik argues that any educational reform will inevitably be coopted by market forces and that that will end up promoting capitalism and destructive market forces. This kritik is useful against not only Policy cases, but against Kritik cases that do not advocate more substantive reforms. There is a lot of evidence, for example, that says that focusing on discussions of word choices and avoid political action enables market forces to dominate.

Disabilities kritik. This kritik argues that demands for equity and accountability obfuscate the bodies that actually shape the educational system.   The alternative is a curricular cripistemology, a politics of failure which refuses the assimilative call for inclusion — instead, we insert disability as central to pedagogy, transforming exclusionary education

Deschooling. This kritik is based on a book by Ivan Illich that argues schooling is spirit-murder: the rituals and processes of education reduce human beings to mere instruments of the institutional production of consumerism. Capitalism and dehumanization impacts are common.

Educational futurism. This is a critique of the signifier of the Child. The Child, according to Edelman, “embodies the citizen as an ideal…at the cost of limiting the rights “real” citizens are allowed.” When Edelman speaks of the Child, he isn’t referring to actual children, but rather this figure that upholds the ideal future of society at the cost of non-normative bodies. The first Greteman card has some quotes from famous people like JFK and Obama that show how that idea works – they say things like “We are the nation that has always understood that our future is inextricably linked to the education of our children.” For Edelman, queer violence is enacted in the name of the Child. He says it’s unfathomable to be against the Child – the logic of “we’re doing this for our children and their children” holds lots of persuasive value – which signals heteronormativity.

Therefore, those who are against the Child are queer. Edelman’s notion of reproductive futurism centers around this concept. Reproduction happens in the name of the Child to maintain a prosperous future. If reproduction is in the name of the Child, those who cannot reproduce are against the Child. That’s why queer people are considered a threat to the Child, and thus a threat to societal order writ large because the Child structures society, which enables targeted violence.

Psychonalysis. The 1AC’s demand to be recognized as a form of political dissent is an investment in the hegemonic order – the power of demand stems from the authority of the system. Their failure to theorize desire turns the 1AC into a moment of jouissance that betrays their radical intentions in order to maintain the possibility of protest. The 1AC is structured by an agential fantasy – This constant repetition of the demand that to change our representations that will never be fulfilled invests desire solely onto the level of demand – creating a constant repetition of the same – The 1NC is a no to the affirmative and disrupts the agential fantasy in favor of reinvesting desire in light of the death drive.

Lundberg 12 (Christian Lundberg is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and co-Director of the University Program in Cultural Studies, “Lacan in Public: Psychoanalysis and the Science of Rhetoric,” 11/26/12) AqN *modified for ableist and gendered rhetoric* 

Their faith in education as a democratic tool to better the conditions of students is misplaced. Instead, education has become a process of the re-subjectification of students in which their identities are erased in the name of academic achievement and performance – this death drive of student self-completion sustains the educational system.

Stillwaggon 17 (James Stillwaggon obtained a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Education at the Teachers College of Columbia University, ““A FANTASY OF UNTOUCHABLE FULLNESS”: MELANCHOLIA AND RESISTANCE TO EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION”, Educational Theory, Volume 1) AqN *modified for ableist and gendered rhetoric*

Race Kritiks. There are number of different ways to argue the plan/affirmative advocacy is racist.

Curriculum. This link establish that modern curriculum and teaching methods are white and that simply increasing access to that curriculum increases access to racist practices.

Afropessimism. This kritik argues that the structure of civil society itself is racist and that racism cannot be solved until the structure of society changes.

Afrofuturism. This kritik argues that we should focus on the present of the lived Black experience rather than project what could be possible in the future.

Black criminalization. Black youth’s are criminalized throughout the educational system. Their skin is transcribed with a negative imagery of criminality.

Wun 15 [Connie Wun, Founder and Director of Transformative Research: An Institute for Research + Social Transformation, Ph.D. in education from UC Berkeley, “The Anti-Black Order of No Child Left Behind: Using Lacanian psychoanalysis and critical race theory to examine NCLB”, pgs 9-10] ac 

Gender kritik. This kritik argues that without an emphasis on race and gender, education reform is inevitably worse for women and criminalizes victims of sexual abuse.  Wake version: The affirmative’s attempt at education reform is just moving furniture in the same chauvinistic living room—they miss the underlying cause of sexism and racism and lead to further victimization of women, particularly women of color

Perry ’16, Ph.D. in education policy and leadership from the University of Maryland-College Park and current contributing writer at The Hechinger Report, (Andre, “How education reform exacerbates sexism: Firing thousands of female teachers and expelling black girls props up patriarchy,” The Hechinger Report,

Eurocentrism. Eurocentrism is a worldview in which Western/European thought and agency is prioritized as central in the world while others are made peripheral resulting in the oppression of the global South and the formation of in groups and out groups. This justifies intervention and environmental destruction via the focus on capital and the conception of nature and the global South as resources. The alternative in the 1NC is to delink from Western structures as an all or nothing strategy of refusal to Eurocentric knowledge production to rethink education. The argument is that in delinking from western modernity there is potential for other understandings of education within the world as possibility for the future. In terms of the link debate, argue policy actions within a Eurocentric system will have cognitive and cultural biases ensuring other ways of perceiving the world are ignored resulting in knowledge being structured by western institutions.

Hauntology. The education system is haunted by specters – the aff’s futurist reform precludes other possibilities and cements environmental destruction.

Kenway 8 – Professorial Fellow with the Australian Research Council, a Professor in the Education Faculty at Monash University and an elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Australia (Jane, “The Ghosts of the School Curriculum: Past, Present and Future,” The Australian Educational Researcher, Volume 35, Number 2, August 2008) The 1AC is haunted by the specter of nuclear war – their images of nuclear destruction create the fantasy of total nuclear destruction, that leads to the capitalization of nuclear weapons and commodification of disaster.

Schwab 14 – PhD, a psychoanalyst, and Chancellor’s Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California at Irvine (Gabriele, “Haunting from the Future Psychic,” The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis, Volume 1, 2014, 

Objectivism. The affirmative buys into the anti-intellectual school system of letting students learn about the world themselves – this is a recipe for subjectivist and relativist forms of thought.

Peikoff 14 – Leonard Peikoff, PhD from NYU in Philosophy, founder of the Ayn Rand Institute. 2014 [“Why Johny Can’t Think”, Ayn Rand Institute] rpg

Postmodern skepticism is a silly attempt by French snowflakes to avoid the materiality and existence of social problems – things really do happen!!!

Locke and Ghate 2003 – Edwin A. Locke (born January 5, 1938) is an American psychologist and a pioneer in goal-setting theory. He is a retired Dean’s Professor of Motivation and Leadership at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park. He was also affiliated with the Department of Psychology. Onkar Ghate is a senior fellow and chief content officer at the Ayn Rand Institute. He is the Institute’s resident expert on Objectivism and serves as its senior trainer and editor. He has taught philosophy for over ten years at the Institute’s Objectivist Academic Center. 2003 [“OBJECTIVISM: THE PROPER ALTERNATIVE TO POSTMODERNISM”, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 21, 251–280] rpg

Psychoanalysis.  The 1AC’s demand to be recognized as a form of political dissent is an investment in the hegemonic order – the power of demand stems from the authority of the system. Their failure to theorize desire turns the 1AC into a moment of jouissance that betrays their radical intentions in order to maintain the possibility of protest. The 1AC is structured by an agential fantasy – This constant repetition of the demand that to change our representations that will never be fulfilled invests desire solely onto the level of demand – creating a constant repetition of the same – The 1NC is a no to the affirmative and disrupts the agential fantasy in favor of reinvesting desire in light of the death drive.   Their faith in education as a democratic tool to better the conditions of students is misplaced. Instead, education has become a process of the re-subjectification of students in which their identities are erased in the name of academic achievement and performance – this death drive of student self-completion sustains the educational system.

Stillwaggon 17 (James Stillwaggon obtained a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Education at the Teachers College of Columbia University, ““A FANTASY OF UNTOUCHABLE FULLNESS”: MELANCHOLIA AND RESISTANCE TO EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION”, Educational Theory, Volume 1) AqN *modified for ableist and gendered rhetoric*

Lundberg 12 (Christian Lundberg is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and co-Director of the University Program in Cultural Studies, “Lacan in Public: Psychoanalysis and the Science of Rhetoric,” 11/26/12) AqN *modified for ableist and gendered rhetoric*

Settler Colonialism. This kritik argues that the inherent “grammer” of education is colonialist and that expanding education will simply serve to expand this oppression. There is a kritik affirmative version of this argument that says we need to find educational alternatives that are not driven by this problem. A criticism of this has also been run as an aff.

Speed kritik. This is simply a kritik of the practice of spreading/taking fast in debates.

Subjugated knowledge. The Affirmative presents education reform as a practice of professional rigor – expertise and objectivity are used to mutate suffering into data that can be redressed through policy. This is a dangerous scholarship that facilitates and normalizes institutionalized violence, distances us from our ethical obligations to the here and now and trains us in complicity with genocidal calculation

Stone-Mediatore 07 [Shari, Assoc. Prof. Philosophy @ Ohio Wesleyan University, “Challenging Academic Norms: An Epistemology for Feminist and Multicultural Classrooms,”]

Technoorientalism. US cultural discourse thrives off the spectacularization of East Asian innovation – images of rapid technological advancement are invoked in pop culture to justify nationalist policies and competition

Lozano-Mendez 10 (Artur, Undergraduate Student Majoring in East Asian Studies, Published in 2010, “TECHNO-ORIENTALISM IN EAST-ASIAN CONTEXTS: REITERATION, DIVERSIFICATION, ADAPTATION”, pg. 186-187) RR Jr

Victimology. Viewing agency and representation as the central point of focus for resistance remains trapped within the illusions of liberal freedom. The work of redemption through the representation of wounded identity normalizes sovereign autonomous as the only escape from violence. This vision of resistance is a form of slave morality which produces passivity and powerlessness.

Abbas 2010 /Asma, Professor and Division Head in Social Studies, Political Science, Philosophy at the Liebowitz Center for International Studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Liberalism and Human Suffering: Materialist Reflections on Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pg. Pg. 133- 136/